ai techbros and fanfiction


what’s even crazier is that some dude said coding is the new literacy, as in understanding the math and science between lines was how to know how to read, decipher problems. another guy said coding was like poetry.

like i hate to say it, but yes and no! most people have terrible writing and english skills and the people who get into coding who can’t read well or write well end up making atrocious garbage code! Like i’m not a coder i don’t know anything but if i can’t even figure out where your groups are in your code then you’re a shit writer!!! Just a bad fucking writer!!!

And these people want to take over fanfiction?????? People who can’t even make two coherent storylines want to take this intricate delicate web of characters with one plot line and three subplot lines (i’d say 40% of fanfictions follow the three part stucture) and then turn them into chatbots??? They want to monetize and profit off writers??? These 15 year old girls who drink coffee and write when they’re not in school and in school too??? They’re not going to pay these girls! They dont even care about intellectual property! At least the damn publishing houses gave fair contracts to fanfiction writers when they took over half the industry.

I’m so angry!!!!!!

Like why dont they go roleplay on rpnation or on social media the way these girls do and use their damn imaginations instead of using actual creative work??? Oh right! Cause they’ve never held a creative story in their life and actively shame english and liberal arts, the exact majors these writers take in adulthood!!
These 37 year old project managers are salivating over the chance to take these creative works and put them to their ai press! I’m so mad!!!!

like how can you devalue their jobs and work and ideas and imaginations then see how productive they are decades later and say “LOOK! A CAPTIVE MARKET! I can make money off of that!” -tech bros


Ok im done ranting now

remember writers: your works are your own! If a tech bro uses your work in his robot you ARE allowed to drive to their compound and stare menacingly at their databanks!!! I’m chinese!!! Be like china! Scare them!!!






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